Dzuwalathu Kaitano’s Profile

Dzuwalathu kaitano is a forth year student studying Bachelor of Education in Arts. She is also an advocate officer and a Social Youth Hub leader at Citizen Impact organization.

My dream: As an advocate officer dedicated to the cause of social and economic empowerment, I refuse to settle for anything less.

With passion as our fuel and determination as our guide, let us ignite the flames of change, lighting up pathways to prosperity and equality for all. Together, let’s empower, inspire, and transform lives, painting a brighter future for generations to come. Believe in the power of your voice, the strength of your actions, and the impact of your advocacy.

Our journey towards empowerment knows no limits, for when we rise, we lift others with us. Dare to dream, dare to act, and dare to make a difference. The world is waiting for the change you will bring for they are still hearts we haven’t touched, minds we haven’t enlightened and A billion voices Yet to be heard!
Dzuwalathu Kaitano
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